Hello my friends, I'm back! Well I'm back on Newgrounds at least, still taking a break from making YouTube vids.
So what happened?
Over the course of my break I had a lot of weird realisations about myself, mainly about how I hated and blamed myself a little too much. The past month has been really interesting to say the least, just one of the many steps in recovering from 2021 I suppose.
What else happened? I've opened up a lot more as a person, I've stopped repressing who I really am because god fucking damn it I just want peace and I can't do that if I constantly hide myself. No more hiding my interests, I'm gonna enjoy whatever the hell I want man.
And to close it all off:
I modded my 3DS, that's pretty noice. I've made a few themes and splashes for it and you can check them out here: https://themeplaza.art/profile/SkyKid
And yeah, that's about it. I'll try to post some art soon.
Discord server: https://discord.gg/KUNpkjBTXr
i have a modded 3ds too